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Home > Liebert GXT3 UPS > Alarm Indications for GXT2 & 3 Series UPS & Shutdown Steps for GXT3 Series
Alarm Indications for GXT2 & 3 Series UPS & Shutdown Steps for GXT3 Series
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Alarm Indications

This article provides information on the various UPS symptoms a user may encounter and provides a troubleshooting guide in the event the UPS develops a problem. Use the following information to determine whether external factors caused the problem and how to remedy the situation. 


In addition to the fault indicator being illuminated, one or more of LED segments of battery level indicator will also be illuminated to provide a diagnostic aid to the user, documentation for this is included in the pdf attachment shown to the right.


Shutdown Steps

Please note shutting down the unit requires the following steps, which are below, these may help if the ones described in the manual need further clarification.


Step 1.   Press the 'Standby Manual' Button, Bypass indicator will then come on.


Step 2.   Please the 'Standby Manual' Button for one second, and release.  Press again and hold the button in for approx 10 seconds.  The UPS will then 'click' and shut down.


NOTE:    Fans may continue to run for another minute or so.

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GXT2-3 series UPS Alarm Indications.pdf
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